Yuk kali ini kita belajar bersepeda yang benar...lho apa bedanya dengan belajar bersepeda waktu masa kecil dulu? ....bedanya adalah dulu kita belajar agar bisa jalankan sepeda dengan dua kaki diatas pedal, kalau sekarang kita belajar supaya dua kaki tetap di atas pedal waktu jalan di medan yang sulit...supaya juga jangan sampai kita jumpalitan, bakal repot kalo
badan yang sudah tidak muda ini kalau luka atau patah..recovery-nya bakalan lama!!!!.
Technique berikut diunduh disini
Riding up and down
A mountain bike can climb slopes with up to a 30% incline and go down a 45% incline and more. The limitations are lie in tire traction and grip
Long Climb
A long climb can be made easier with a few posture adjustments:
As soon as the slope becomes steep, sit further in front of your saddle and lean forward by flexing your arms. This posture will maximize your leg strength and optimize your balance.
Try to save as much as energy as possible with your upper body, and avoid pulling on the handle bar. On any slope your ideal posture should let you make strictly no effort with your arms – you should be able to steer with the tip of your fingers.

Slope start and ride up
It’s extremely common to have to jump on the bike in the middle of a steep trail section. You must know how to start riding in such a situation:
Gears must be set to easy (small chain ring – large sprocket, 3X9/8/6).
You can either stand above your saddle or sit, but the bike’s angle must be as straight as possible
Your first pedal stroke must be set at 10 o’clock.
Lean forward. Lower your chest by bending your arms to prevent the bike’s front from lifting under your first pedal stroke.
The first stroke must give you enough momentum to very quickly find the other pedal. Expect to lose your balance slightly for the two/three first pedal strokes.
Look forward to the point you want to reach – as long as you look forward and keep pedaling you’ll manage to go where you’re looking at. DO NOT look at your front wheel or you will follow that instead of where you want to go.
Pedal quickly to find enough momentum and balance.
Then pace cadence to sustain the distance to clear.
Riding steep uphill slopes
Keep your upper body leaning low and forward to keep a low gravity center.
Remain seated on a moderately steep slope.
Keep your elbows close to your trunk.
Look forward and focus on a point you want to reach. Always look to something forward, never look at your wheel even you start losing balance.
Try to spin faster to gather momentum.
Respect an effort and a cadence you can sustain for the entire slope.
Very steep climbs
Climbing very steep slopes put you on a thin line between balance and traction: Lean too far forward and you'll lose traction, spin your rear wheel and stall - Lean too far back and the front wheel lifts.
Get off your saddle as soon the slope gets very steep, but remain almost in contact with the saddle's tip
Collapse your chest very close to the handlebars, keep your flexed elbows close to your trunk
Focus on the next point you want to reach
Don't try to hop your front wheel by pulling on your bar in order to go over obstacle - it will destabilize you. Just roll over it. If the obstacle is too sharp to roll over it use your balance instead of your arms to lift the front wheel.
CAUTION: It is common to lose balance on extremely steep climbs. The front lifts and you may flip back and land on your back. To avoid this, cling to your front brake only. DO NOT use your back brake or you’ll flip back.
For very steep slopes do not try to use momentum to tackle it: you will burn out within meters. Instead start slowly and pace yourself.
Graphic: Steep up and downs. The closer your center of gravity gets to the wheel, the less traction or grip your tires will have. For steep uphill the chest gets close to the handle bar, for steep downhill the stomach comes close to the saddle

Downhil slopes: downhill slope start
Starting down a steep slope can be difficult on a narrow or a rutted trail. Train on a clear path first, try to get as quick as you can in a stable posture and to ride down on the straightest like possible.
Apply both brakes.
Stand on one pedal.
Quickly sit on the saddle and release the brakes.Immediatly find a good balance on your feet.DO NOT try to look at your feet when reaching the pedal. Look at the trail!
Look forward and immediately adopt a crouching posture by positioning the pedals horizontally, shifting your hips back and lowering your upper body. You must be in balance on your feet
riding downhill -
A long downhill trail can be particularly straining if you are tense. The more relaxed you are the faster you’ll go.
Get your buttocks off the saddle and shift your hips backward. Flex your arms at the same time. You must be able to slightly pinch your saddle with your inner thighs. You must be as balanced as possible on your two pedals.
If the terrain is smooth you won't need to be too far above the saddle, 1 inch is enough. But always be prepared to absorb an impact you didn't see coming. The rougher it gets the further back from the saddle you'll get and the lower your upper body will go
Look as far forward as you think you can stop. Constantly scan what’s upcoming and keep your eyes focused only on where you can ride.
Photo: Going down a steep trail section. Neutral and balanced posture, almost no pressure on the handlebars.

steep slope without any major obstacle
Photo: HANGING from the bar. Leaning too far back with arms completely extended. Impossible to steer.

hanging from the handlebar
Fire in your forearms?
Have a tight grip on your handle bar but very relaxed arms. If you feel your forearms and shoulders burning on a long downhill, it means you are not low enough and not in balance on your feet.
Your arms must be used to push you back just before the impact, you must use your balance and weight to absorb the impacts, not just your arms.
Graphic: Lean back right before the impact. If you didn't lean back enough your arms are absorbing the impact.

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